Understand the first year syllabus of the Undergraduate Program in Medical Lab Technology

Updated Post: 31 May 2024

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 Understand the first year syllabus of the Undergraduate Program in Medical Lab Technology

Through this blog, I acknowledge the first year of the syllabus of the Bachelor of Science in Medical Lab Technology (BMLT) degree program and it is the key for all incoming students to become more curious to take this course for admission. The more interesting part is we have full facilities for students to build their careers. Why is it necessary to understand the syllabus and benefits behind this?

Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) is a combination of healthcare & Technology where students learn techniques and instrument principles through practical hands-on experience and theoretical knowledge to diagnose and monitor a patient’s result with interpretation.

What is the eligibility for admission to BMLT?

  1. A Candidate seeking admission to the Bachelor of Science Degree Courses who passed in 10+2 with 50% with recognized board and 
  2. Also who has a diploma in allied science courses from an approved university like a Diploma in Medical Lab Technology, or a Diploma In Life Science

What is the duration of the BMLT Course?

 The duration of this course shall be for a period of a full three years.

What are the subjects in the first-year syllabus in theory and practicals of BMLT?


  1. Human Anatomy & Physiology
  2. Communication & computer skills
  3. Biochemistry
  4. Pathology
  5. Microbiology


  1. Human Anatomy & Physiology
  2. Laboratory Instrument & Maintenance
  3. Biochemistry
  4. Pathology
  5. Microbiology




Unit 1 The human body as a whole

Definitions, Subdivisions of Anatomy, Terms of locations and position, Fundamental Planes, Vertebrate structure of man, and organisation of the Body Cells and Tissues.

Unit 2 Locomotion and support. The Skeletal system

Types of bones, structures, and growth of bones, Divisions of the skeleton, Appendicular skeleton, Axial skeleton, Bones of Upper Limb - Clavicle, Scapula, Humours, Radius, Ulna Lower Limb - Femur, Hipbone, Sacrum Tibia, Fibula Vertebral Column, Ribs, Stenum, joint-classification, types of movements with examples.

Unit 3 Anatomy of the nervous system. Central nervous system

Spinal Cord Anatomy, functions, reflex- arc, Meninges, The Brain- Hind Brain, Midbrain, Forebrain: Cerebrum, Cerebellum Brain Stem: Brief structure, location, functions, and Peripheral nervous system (structure of neuron)

Unit 4 Anatomy of circulatory system

 Heart size, location, coverings, chambers & valves of heart, Blood supply. Nerve Supply, blood vessels, General plan of circulation, pulmonary circulation, Names of major arteries and veins and their positions, lymphatic system: general plan.

Unit 4 Anatomy of the respiratory system

Organs of Respiratory System, Conducting portion, Nose: nasal cavity. Para nasal air sinuses, Larynx, trachea, bronchial tree. Respiratory portion: Pleurae and lungs, Brief knowledge of parts and position.

Unit 5 Anatomy of the digestive system

Components of Digestive system, alimentary tube, Anatomy of organs of digestive tube, mouth, salivary glands, stomach, intestine, liver, Biliary apparatus, pancreas, Names and positions and brief functions.

Unit 6 Anatomy of excretory system and reproductive system

Kidney location, gross structure & function structure of nephron, excretory ducts, ureters. Urinary bladder, Urethra gross structure & function. Male Reproductive System: Testis, Duct system. Female Reproductive System.

Unit 7 Anatomy of the endocrine system

Name of all endocrine glands, their positions, Hormones and their functions- Pituitary, Thyroid, parathyroid, Adrenal glands, Gonads & Islets of pancreas.

Unit 8 Histology

Epithelium, connective tissue, gland.

Anatomy Practical:

  • Demonstration of bones identification and side determination upper limb-clavicle, scapula, humerus,radius, ulna, lower limb-femur, Hip bone, Tibia, Fibula, Vertebral Column, Ribs, Sternum, Sacrum Demonstration of heart.
  • Demonstration of different parts of the respiratory system and normal X-rays- lungs.
  • Demonstration of the part of the digestive system and normal X-rays- stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver.
  • Embalming of human cadavers for teaching purposes & social/ funeral embalming. Surface anatomy on cadaver.
  •  Demonstration of major vessels of the body-Aorta, subclavian, carotid, brachial, radial, ulnar, femoral, Renal.
  •  Demonstration of major muscles of the body-limbs
  •  Demonstration of other organs-spleen, testis, uterus.


Unit 1 General Physiology

Cell: Structure and function of a cell, Transport across the cell membrane Active transport. Passive Transport: Diffusion & Osmosis, Tissues: Definition, types, Nerve Body water and body fluids: Distribution and Ionic composition of body fluids The Membrane Potentials: Resting membrane potentials and Action Potential

Unit 2 Blood

Composition and functions of blood, Blood Cells: RBC WBC, Platelets, Haemoglobin, Coagulation of blood (Clotting factors). Blood groups, Immunity,: Anaemia, Jaundice, Haemophilia

Unit 3 Gastrointestinal Tract

 Structure and Functions Oral Cavity: Composition and functions of saliva, Mastication (chewing), Swallowing Stomach: Structure and Functions, Gastric juice, Gastric motility and emptying Pancreas: Structure and Functions, Composition and functions of pancreatic juice Liver: Structure and Functions Gallbladder: Functions of gall bladder Bile: Composition and functions Intestine: Intestine juice and movement’s Balanced diet applied aspect

Unit 4 Respiratory System

Air Passages: Function and structure, Functions of respiratory system, Mechanism of respiration (Inspiration and Expiration). Lung volumes and capacities Alveolar Ventilation, Dead space (Anatomical and Physiological) Transport of gases: Oxygen transport [Carriage of oxygen in blood; Dissolved form & combined with haemoglobin). Oxygen haemoglobin dissociation curve, Carbon-di-oxide transport [Carriage of Carbon-di-oxide in blood]. Regulation of respiration: Nervous Regulation [Automatic control via Medullary and Pontine centres, Voluntary control of respiration]. Chemical Regulation of respiration [Peripheral chemoreceptors (Carotid bodies and Aortic bodies) and Central (Medullary) chemoreceptors). Hypoxia (Types of hypoxia), Dyspnoea

Unit 5 Cardiovascular System

 Properties of Cardiac Muscle Physiological structure and function of CVS (Valves. Pacemaker tissue, Heart sounds) Cardiac Cycle Heart rate Electrocardiography, Cardiac Output Arterial blood pressure Regulation of cardiovascular system

Unit 6 Excretory System

Nephrons: Cortical and medullary Urine formation Micturition Functions of kidney: Endocrine functions, Water balance, Acid-base balance

Unit 7 Endocrine System

Definitions and properties of hormones Pituitary Gland Anterior Pituitary - Six Hormones (GH, PRL, TSH, ACTH, LH, FSH) Growth Hormone (GH): Action and control, Applied (Dwarfism and Acromegaly) Prolactin (PRL): Action and control Posterior Pituitary ADH (Antidiuretic hormone): Action and control, Applied Oxytocin: Action and Control Thyroid Gland: Types of hormones (T3 and T4), Regulation of hormone secretion, Actions of thyroid hormone: On carbohydrate metabolism, On lipid metabolism, On growth and development, Effect on nervous system, Applied (Goitre, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism) Parathyroid, Calcitonin and Vitamin-D: Role of calcium in physiological processes, Hormones regulating calcium metabolism (Vitamin-D, PTH, Calcitonin), Applied: Rickets Adrenal Cortex: Actions of glucocorticoids, Actions of Mineralocorticoids, Applied: Cushing's syndrome, Addison's disease, Sex hormones Adrenal Medulla: Actions of catecholamines, Pancreas: Hormones: Glucagon and Insulin, Applied: Diabetes Mellitus Reproductive System Sex determination, Sex differentiation and Puberty Male Reproductive System: Testis: Structure and functions, Spermatogenesis, Structure of the sperm, Seminal fluid (semen). Endocrine functions (Testosterone) Female Reproductive System. Structure and functions, Ovary, Ovarian hormones (Estrogen, Progesterone) Menstrual cycle: Menopause Contraceptive measures

Unit 8 Central Nervous System Organization and functions of nervous system

Brain: Cerebrum, Thalamus, Hypothalamus Brain stem: Midbrain, Pons, Medulla, Cerebellum Spinal Cord: Structure and functions Autonomic Nervous system (ANS) Cerebrospinal Fluid

Unit 9 Special Senses

The Smell: Olfactory receptors, olfactory pathway The Taste: Taste Receptors (Taste buds), Taste Pathway the Ear: External ear, Middle Ear, Internal ear (Cochlea), Mechanism of hearing. Applied (deafness) The Eye: Parts of eye: Sclera, Choroid, Retina, and Crystalline lens, photoreceptors (Rods and cones). Visual Pathway, Image formation, Accommodation, Lacrimal gland, Applied (Cataract, Glaucoma, Blindness)

Unit 10 Skin and Temperature

Structure and function of skin Temperature Regulation


  •  Collection of blood
  •  Study of haemocytometer. Hemoglobinometry white blood cell count, red blood cell count.
  •  Determination of blood groups.
  •  Leishman's staining and different WBC counts.
  •  Determination of packed cell value
  •  Calculation of blood indices, fragility test for R.B.C, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), Determination of bleeding time,Determination of clotting time.
  • Blood pressure recording auscultation for heart sounds, artificial respiration determination of vital capacity.

Recommended Books:

  • Text books of Physiology. Author: Guyton (Arthur C). Prism publishers Bangalore.
  • Human Physiology. Author: Chaterjee (cc). Medical allied agency
  • Concise Medical physiology. Author: Choudhary (Sujit km.). New central books Kolkata.
  • Review Medical physiology. Author: Ganang. Application and Lange.
  • Human physiology. Author: Pro. A.K. Jain. Avichal Publishing Company.
  • Practical Physiology: Author : Prof. A.K. Jain, Arya Publishers.



Unit -1 Parts of Speech

Articles: Definite and indefinite Articles (a, an and the) Definition and its uses along with examples and personal, Reflexive, Emphatic, Demonstrative, Relative, indefinite, Interrogative and distributive pronouns. The Noun (Defining Noun along with types and categories): Gender; Number Case, The Adjective: Comparison, adjective used as nouns, positions of the adjective and its correct use of adjectives. The Verb Definition. Its forms, Verbs of Incomplete Predication. Phrases (Defining it along with examples): Adjective, Adverb and Noun Phrase and Clauses (defining it along with examples): Adverb, Adjective and Noun Clauses. The Sentence and its types, Simple, Compound and Complex, Subject and Predicate (Parts of a sentence), Transformation of sentences: Active and Passive Voice, Mood and Narration (Direct and indirect Speeches)

Unit-2 Words and Phrases

Word Formation (Prefix, Suffix), Idioms, Synonyms and Antonyms Phonetics: Speech Sound, the phoneme, the syllable and IPA transcription, Business Correspondence Paragraph Writing: Introductory Remarks, Principals, The Writing of Single Paragraphs and Precis Writing. Letter Writing. Quotations, Orders and Tenders: Inviting and sending quotations, Placing orders and inviting tenders, Notices, Agenda and Minutes, Application Letter: Importance and function, drafting the application, elements structure, preparing CVs.


Correct usage, the structure of sentences, the structure of paragraphs, Enlargements of Vocabulary


Precise writing and summarising, Writing of bibliography, Enlargement of Vocabulary

Suggested Reading:  English Grammar and Composition Wren and Martin. S. Chand & Company Ltd.


Unit-1 Computer Application

Characteristics of computers. Input, output, storage units, CPU, Computer system. Computers Organization, Control Unit, Arithmetic Unit, Instruction Set, Register, Processor Speed, Memory Main Memory, Storage Evaluation Criteria, Memory Organization, Memory Capacity, Random Access Memories.

Unit-2 Read Storage Devices

Magnetic Disk, Floppy and Hard Disk, Optical Disks CD-ROM, Mass Storage

Unit-3 Input Devices

Keyboard, Mouse, Trackball, Joystick, Scanner, Optical Mark Reader, Magnetic ink character reader, Bar-Code Reader, Digitizer, Card reader, Voice recognition, Web cam, Video Cameras.

Unit-4 Output Devices

Monitors, Printers, Dot Matrix Printers, inkjet Printers, Laser Printers, Plotters, Computers Output Micro Files (Com), Multimedia Projector.

Unit-5 Operating System

Microsoft, An overview of different version of windows, Basic windows elements, File management through windows.

Unit-6 Using essential accessories

System took Disk clean-up, Disk defragmenter, Entertainment, Games, and Calculator. Imaging Fax, Notepad, paint, WordPad. Recycle Bin, Windows Explorer, Creating Folders, Icons.

Unit-7 Word Processing

Word processing concepts, Printing documents, Creating and printing merged documents, Mail merge, saving, closing, opening an existing document, Selecting text, editing text, Finding and replacing text, Character and paragraph formatting, page design and layout, Editing and proofing tools; checking and correcting spelling, Handing graphics, Creating tables and charts, Documents templates and wizards.

Unit-8 Presentation Package

Creating opening and saving presentations, creating the look of your presentation, working in different views, working with slides, Adding and formatting text, formatting paragraphs, Checking spelling and correcting typing mistakes. Making notes pages and hand-outs, drawing and working with objects, Adding clip art and other pictures, Designing slideshows, Running and controlling slide shows, Printing Presentations.

Unit-9 Use at Internet and E-mail

Internet, Websites (Internet sites), The Mail Protocol site.

Unit-10 Hospital Management System

Types and Uses, Hospital Management and System Package.


Unit-1 Acids and Bases

Definition Acids & Bases, Definition of pH and its interpretation.

Unit-2 Water and Solutions

Osmosis, Molarity, Molality, Normality, Buffer solution and their importance, pKa of buffer solution.

Unit-3 Chemistry of Carbohydrates

Definition, Classification, Structural Isomerism, Optical isomerism, Reactions.

Unit-4 Chemistry of Proteins and Amino Acids

Definition Amino Acids, Structure and classification of Amino Acids. Essential amino acids, Definition Proteins, Structure of proteins, Functional classification of proteins.

Unit-5 Chemistry of Lipids

Definition of lipids, Classification of lipids, Phospholipids, Gangliosides, Cerebrosides, Glycolipids, Lipoproteins (definition, classification and functions) Chemical reactions of Lipids.

Unit-6 Chemistry of Nucleic acids

Structure of DNA, RNA classification and structure of the various types of RNA.

Unit-7 Nutrition and Basal metabolism

BMI and its calculation, Specific dynamic action (SDA), Nutritional requirements and their calculations. Protein energy malnutrition.

Unit-8 Vitamins

Definition, Classification, Uses in the body and deficiency diseases.

Unit-9 Clinical biochemistry

Photometry: Laws of Photometry, absorbance, transmittance, Structure and components of a photometer. Types of photometry: colorimetric, spectrophotometry, fluorometry. Choice of filters etc., Electrophoresis Principle Types and applications.


  •  Introduction to apparatus, instruments and uses of chemical balance.
  • Preparation of solutions, calculation of molecular weights and Equivalent weights preparation of normal solution, molar solutions, percent solution and reagents Dilution techniques.
  • Measurements of hydrogen ion concentration qualitative Analysis. Identification of carbohydrates, proteins and substances of biochemical Importance.
  •  Demonstration of colorimeter, spectrophotometer, perimeter, single pan balance.
  •  Disposal regulations, workplace hazardous.
  • Specimen collection, identification, transport, delivery and preservation, Patient preparation for tests, Anticoagulants and preservatives, Regulations and precautions regarding transport of biological specimens.
  • Preparation of high quality water, pH determination, Preparation of buffers and determination of pH, Measurement of radioactivity, Practical related to solvent extraction, Partition coefficient, Dialysis, Concentration, Desalting and Ultracentrifugation.
  • Calibration of equipments and laboratory wares, Familiarization and usage of Colorimetric, spectrophotometry, fluorimetry, flame photometry, atomic absorption spectroscopy, nephelometry, osmometry, Chemiluminescence ion selective electrodes, flowcytometry.
  • Chromatography: - Paper, Thin layer, Gel filtration, Ion exchange, HPLC, GLC, Separation of various sugars, amino acids, lipids, drugs toxins etc. Urine amino gram. 

Subject: 4  PATHOLOGY

Unit-1 The Cell in health and disease

Introduction of pathology, Cellular structure and metabolism, Inflammation - Acute and Chronic, Derangement of Body Fluids and Electrolytes, Types of shocks, Ischemia, Infection

Unit-2 Body Fluid

  • Urine: Method of Collection, Normal Constituents, Physical Examination, Chemical Examination
  • Stool Examination: Method of Collection, Normal Constituents and appearance, Abnormal Constituents (Ova, Cyst)
  • C.S.F. Examination: Physical Examination, Chemical Examination, Microscopy, Microscopy, Cell Count
  • Staining
  • Semen Analysis: Collection, Examination, Special Tests
  •  Human blood group antigens and antibodies: ABO Blood group systems, Sub. – Group, Source of antigens and types of antibodies, Rh Blood group System, Types of Antigen, Mode of Inheritance, Types of Antibodies, Other Blood group Antigens.
  • Blood Collection: Selection and screening of donor, Various anticoagulants, Storage of Blood, Changes in Blood on Storage

Unit-3 Histopathology

  •  Fixation of tissues, Classification of Fixatives
  • Tissue Processing
  •  Collection, Steps of fixation
  • Section Cutting, Microtome and Knives, Techniques of Section Cutting
  • Decalcification, End Point
  • Staining Dyes and their properties, H & E Stain, Special Stains
  • Histopathology Clinical Pathology, Haematology and Blood Banking Histopathology – Theory,  Introduction to Histopathology, Receiving of Specimen in the laboratory
  • Grossing Techniques, Mounting Techniques - various Mount ants, Maintenance of records and filing of the slides, Use & care of Microscope, Various Fixatives, Mode of action, Preparation and Indication.
  • Bio-Medical waste management, Section Cutting, Tissue processing for routine paraffin sections, Decalcification of Tissues, Staining of tissues - H&E Staining

Unit-4 Clinical Pathology

  • Theory, Decalcification of Tissues, Introduction to Clinical Pathology, Collection, Transport, Preservation, and Processing of various clinical specimens, Urine Examination - Collection and Preservation of urine , Physical, chemical, Microscopic Examination, Examination of body fluids, Examination of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), Sputum Examination, Examination of faeces.

Unit- 5 Haematology

  • Theory,Introduction to Haematology,Normal constituents of Blood, their structure and function, Collection of Blood samples, Various Anticoagulants used in Haematology, Various instruments and glassware used in Haematology, Preparation and use of glassware

Unit- 6 Laboratory safety guidelines

SI units and conventional units in Hospital Laboratory, Hb, PCV, ESR, Normal Haemostasis, Bleeding Time, Clotting Time, Prothrombin Time, Activated Partial Thromboplastin,Time.

Unit- 7 Blood Bank

Introduction, Blood grouping and Rh Types, Cross matching


  • Introduction: Aim, basis, interpretation, safety in clinical pathology laboratory.
  •  Laboratory organisation Instruments, glassware, sample collection and specimen labelling, test, anticoagulants, reagents, cleaning of glassware, isotonic solution, standardisation of m preparation of solution and interpretation of result, normal values.
  • Basic requirements for haematology laboratory, Complete Blood Counts, Determination of Haemoglobin, TRBC Count by Hemocytometers, TLC by Hemocytometer.
  • Differential Leukocyte count.
  • Determination of Platelet count.
  •  Determination of ESR by wintrobes.
  • Determination of ESR by Westergerent's method.
  • Determination of PCV by Wintrobes.
  • Erythrocyte Indices - MCV, MCH, MCHC
  • Reticulocyte count.
  • Absolute Eosinophil count.
  • Morphology of Red Blood Cells.
  •  BT and CT, PT (prothrombin) time.
  • Demonstration of (MP), malaria parasite.
  • Bone marrow smears preparation and staining procedure - Demonstration.
  • ABO Blood grouping, RH typing and crossmatch.
  •  Performance of direct and indirect coombs test, red cell agglutination test (screening Paul bunnel test). Blood donor selection and screening.
  • Blood collection and preservation, principal of clearing and preparing transfusion bottle and tubing sets - preparation and Transfusion reaction and their investigations.
  • Blood Bank Administration, Record Keeping, Computerization in blood transfusion services
  •  Blood grouping ABO, PH typing various techniques, Cross Matching, Tube tests, Slide Test, DU Test, and Sub Grouping Test.
  •  Coomb's Test, Direct comb's test, indirect comb's test, Compatibility Testing for blood transfusion cross matching test, 5% cell suspension and 10% cell suspensions, HIV and AIDS demonstration.
  •  Clinical Pathology Introduction: Aim, basis, interpretation, safety in clinical pathology laboratory.
  •  Laboratory organisation: Instruments, glassware, sample collection and specimen labelling, routine test. Anticoagulants, reagents, cleaning of glassware, isotonic solution, standardisation of methods, preparation of solution and interpretation of result, normal values.
  • Urine routine examination normal / abnormal constituents of urine.
  • C.S.F. and other body fluid examination, Semen Analysis, Sputum test, Different type’s blood test, Stool routine examination.

Recommended text books and reference books

  • Hand book of Blood Transfusion Therapy. Author: J.A.F. Napier. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England
  • Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine Basic Principles practice. Author: Christopher D., Hill Yeretal. Publishers: Churchile Livingstone, Philadelphia.
  • Test book of Blood Transfusion Banking and Transfusion Medicine. Author: Sallyv. Rhdman. Publisher: W.B. Sauders Company, Philadelphia.
  • Practical Haematology. Author: Sir John Dalie. Publisher: Churevill, London.
  • Test Book of Medical Laboratory Technology. Author: Praful Godkar & Ramnik Sood. Publisher: Bhaliani Publication House, Mumbai.
  • Test books of laboratory technology. Author: Praful Godkar.
  • Todd and Sanford Clinical diagnosis and management by laboratory methods. Author: Johan Bernard Henry.
  • Practical Pathology. Author: Harsh Mohan.
  • Medical laboratory technology is a procedure normal for routine. Author: Ramnik Sood.


Unit 1 General microbiology

 Introduction & history of microbiology, Morphology and physiology of bacteria, Sterilisation and disinfection

Unit 2 Immunology

Antigen and antibodies, Antigen-antibody reactions, Structure and functions of immune system, Immune response, Hypersensitivity

Unit 3 Systematic bacteriology

Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pneumococcus, Corynebacterium, Neisseria, Clostridium, Enterobacteriaceae: Escherechia Kleibsella, Proteus, Salmonella, Shigella, Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Mycobacterium, Spirochete

Unit 4 Virology

Morphology and Replication of viruses, Physicochemical characteristics of the viruses, Classification of viral, Laboratory diagnosis of viral infection : Herpesvirus and adenovirus, PicornaVirus- Polio, Myxovirus- Influenza, Arbovirus- Chikungunya & Dengue, Hepatitis virus, Rhabdovirus, HIV

Unit 5 Mycology

Morphology and structure of fungi, Classification of fungi and Cultivation of fungi Laboratory diagnosis of fungal infection, Fungal infections, Superficial mycosis, Subcutaneous mycosis, Opportunistic fungal infection, Systemic mycosis

Unit 6 Parasitology

Protozoa, Introduction to parasitology with their classification, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Leishmania donovani (kala azar), Helminthes, Cestodes, Tenia solium & Tenia saginata, Echinococcus granulosus, Nematodes, Ascaris lumbricoides, Ancylostoma duodenale, Wucheria bancrofti, Enterobius vermicularis & Trichuris trichuria


  • Universal precautions : Collection and transport of clinical specimen
  • Compound microscope (care and operation)
  • Demonstration of sterilisation of equipment- Hot air oven, bacterial filters
  • Preparation of bacterial smear and staining- Gram's, Acid- fast, Staining of bacterial spores, flagella capsule, Albert stain, spirochaetes
  • Preparation of commonly used culture media, nutrient broth, nutrient agar, blood agar, Chocolate agar, Mac conkey medium, LJ medium, SDA, Robertson cooked meat media,
  • Study of colony character’s biochemical test for identification of bacteria, preservation of stock culture of bacteria
  • Antibiotic susceptibility test - different in vitro methods for antibiotic sensitivity testing
  • Visit to hospital for demonstration of biomedical waste management
  • Anaerobic culture methods
  • Quality control of media and reagents etc.
  • Examination of stool for parasites
  • Examination of blood & bone marrow for parasites, Serological diagnostic methods, Skin test.
  •  Collection of blood by venipuncture, separation of serum and preservation of serum for short and long periods.
  • Performances of serological tests: Bacterial slide agglutination, WIDAL, VDRL.CRP, Pregnancy test, ASLO, CRP and RF, ELISA, Skin test, MT Test.
  • KOH and LPCB preparation
  • Staining techniques
  • Culture of fungi
  • Slide culture

Practical: Laboratory Instruments & Maintenance

  •  Introduction to equipments.
  • Universal precautions: Collection and transport of clinical specimen
  • Compound microscope (care and operation)
  • Demonstration of sterilisation of equipments- Hot air oven, bacterial filter
  • Preparation of bacterial smear and staining- Gram's, Acid- fast, Staining of bacterial spores, flagella capsule, Albert stain, spirochetes
  • Preparation of commonly used culture media, nutrient broth, nutrient agar, blood agar, Chocolate agar, Mac conkey medium, LJ medium, SDA, Robertson cooked meat media,
  • Study of colony character’s biochemical test for identification of bacteria, preservation of stock culture of bacteria
  • Antibiotic susceptibility test - different in vitro methods for antibiotic sensitivity testing
  •  Visit to hospital for demonstration of biomedical waste management
  • Anaerobic culture methods, Quality control of media and reagents etc.
  • Simple usage Indication and contraindication of use. Repair and maintenance of equipment used in the laboratory.
  • Microscope digital, Centrifuge (different types), Serological water Bath 37°C, Micropipette, Balances (different type), Distilled water units, hot air oven, Autoclave, Sterilisation, Water bath (Different types), pH Metre, Incubator, Microtome (different types), Semi auto and fully automatic analyser, Fully automatic cells counts, Flame photometer, Core metre, Automatic tissue processor, Automatic cover slipper. Automatic blood weight machine, Freeze, Rotary shaker, Microscope, monocular, binocular, dark field immersion, Computer
  • General Glass ware, Different types of glass pipette, Different types of glass flasks and funnel, Care and maintenance of glassware plastic units. Different types of test tubes, Glass capillary, automatic dispensers and diluters, Different types of slide racks, glass slides and cover glass, Demonstration of all Instruments and glassware and other Instruments.

Recommended Books:

  • Medial Laboratory manual for tropical countries vol. I, II. Author: Publisher: Monica chesbrough ELBS edition.

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Explore the Remarkable Benefits of joining our Ganesh Paramedical College and How.

  • Our College is a subpart of Ganesh Diagnostic & Imaging Centre By Dr. Ravin Sharma. This centre has a combination of laboratory & Imaging from the last 22 years and approval by NABL and NABH to maintain their quality with customers. Our theory and practice were conducted on-campus.
  • Ganesh Paramedical college is affiliated with universities (Bir Tikendrajit University/Singhania University/NIOS).
  • Our college and Diagnostic Centre are known for our service in education as well as in quality with patients and We have high-tech competitive machines that produce high accuracy results in every department of Laboratory such as:
  1. Diasys SYS-400 Fully Chemistry Analyzer
  2. Erba XL640 Biochemical Analyzer
  3. Siemens Advia Centaur
  4. Maglumi 2000 from Snibe
  5. Truelab Quattro Real-Time Quantitative PCR Machine
  6. CFX96 Bio-Rad Real-Time PCR Machine
  7. Horiba Yumizen H 550
  8. ECL 412 Machine
  9. Bactec FX-40 Machine
  10. Benesphera Electrolyte Analyser (bio)
  11. ECL 105 Machine
  12. Genetix HT 96 Purifier Machine
  13. MISPA i2 Machine
  14. BIO RAD D-10 Machine
  15. Cobas C 311 Analyzer for Clinical Chemistry Machine
  16. MISPA i3 Machine
  17. Sensa Core’s ST-200 CL Electrolyte Analyzer Machine
  18. Erba EM-200
  19. Maglumi 800 From Snibe
  20. Magnus CH20i Microscope
  21. RT- 6900 Micro plate ELISA Reader Machine ,etc.
  • Well highly qualified teaching staff (MBBS,MD,Master in specific profile).
  • Classrooms and libraries are well defined, spacious.
  • Placement cells have several tie-ups in various regions (India,Dubai,Germany).
  •  Also provide the others things like Internship on the basis of monthly and yearly in each department,modalities.
  • Variety of allied paramedical courses (Radiology & Imaging, Cardiology, Neurophysiology).
  • Geographically it's very convenient for every candidate and otherside we give the opportunity to the online enrolled student to come for Three to four months every year to do their hands-on Training on every machine.
  • Accommodation service is available for online enrolled students.
  • Help to guide for Ph.d and other higher studies.
  • Self Portal for Online/Offline Students with Live Class.
  • Available on various social platforms,you follow our pages like Facebook,Youtube,Instagram,LinkedIn and also clear your doubt.

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